Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Time Flys!

Porter is 8 months old today. Sigh. Don't get me wrong, I am really happy and a super proud mama, but I am having trouble as he gets older..... letting go.  Let me back up.  I am NOT an overly sentimental type.  I didn't keep everything he ever touched, I stopped writing on his baby calendar every day months ago, I'm not a crier (ok maybe a little now :).  So, these feelings are a bit of a shock to me.  I didn't realize how much I cherished having a little, little baby around.   Again, don't get me wrong, I adore the burgeoning personality and consider it an honor to watch him learn and grow.  I know, I know..... I can't have it both ways.  So you see my juxtaposition.  So, in light of all this, I decided to steal an idea from my friend (and fellow blogger) Sarah.  She is about 6 mo pregnant and she does a weekly pregnancy update, of the same highlights each week, so you can see the change throughout her pregnancy.  It/she is too adorable, so I am stealing (and modifying :) the idea and doing Porter's Monthly Highlights.  It will help me keep everyone informed and be happy and have gratitude for my healthy growing boy! (but seriously does he have to grow up so fast??!)

Porter's Monthly Update: 8 Months

Date: October 6, 2010

Weight: 21 lbs. 10 oz

Teeth: 4. Two front teeth, Two on the bottom

Movement: Um. Everywhere. Crawling at lightning speed, sometimes with one leg up.  We call it his "pimp" crawl. He is pulling himselff up on everything, climb the stairs and hangs on one handed.  No standing without assistance or walking yet.

Sleep: much better this month than last month. He is in bed by 7:00-7:30 every night. He puts himself to sleep now too. I sometimes have to fight to keep him up that late. He still wakes up at night, but he sometimes soothes himself back to sleep before I can even get out of bed. During high teething and growth times, we feed and cuddle him in the middle of the night still. He is up by 5:45-6:00 EVERY morning without fail.

Porter Loves.... : his binky, his Sophie giraffe, Daddy (BIG time), yo baby's, cords, being naked, plums and crinkly paper.
I love my Sophie Giraffe

Sleeping with my Daddy.

Food: well, judging by his weight, we have a healthy eater on our hands!  Mostly fruits.  Plums, peaches and applesauce are his favorites. He also LOVES yo baby's (organic yogurt for babies) and gets all excited when he sees me get them out of the fridge.  I introduced chicken for the first time this month.  I have to mix it well, but he likes it ok.  He will also sit in his chair and munch on Gerber Puffs or Cherrios.

Mood: happy happy happy.  He is a very jovial baby.  He has been super fussy if we try to keep him up late or if his teethers are coming in.  Other than that, he is one happy baby.

Our Happy Highlight of the Month:

Neil says..... Porter learning to say da da da and sometimes daaaa deee. (though most things are da da da, he is getting it!)  I think Porter watching his first Gamecocks Football game was a close second.
Go Cocks!

Linsay says..... Porter engaging with the puppies.  He gets all excited to see them in the morning.  He climbs all over Bailey and lets Guinness lick him all over.  They love each other. A.lot.

What we miss.... :

Neil says...... having to rock him to sleep.  Neil had what we dubbed "magic Daddy hands".  Now he is too big, doesn't like to be held that way.

Linsay says...... him letting me snuggle him as long as I want.  He even has a sigh now, like "Ugh, Mom, this again... can you please put me down so I can get into something I'm not supposed to."  Where did my little baby go??!!

We are looking forward to... :

Neil says.... Porter walking!  (we shall see if we take that back once it starts)

Linsay says.... The holidays! Halloween and all the festivities.  He is gonna be Tigger, I think.

Porter's 8 Month Pic's

See my tooth?!

You can seeone tooth at least, other 3 are hiding!

So Big!

My "Wild Man" hair! Always sticks up no matter what!


  1. What a cute idea!!!

    I loved your answers and I love that Neil participates, too- that's awesome. Baby days pass so quickly... I doubt I could recall Lily's milestones if they were not written down (somewhere). Porter is such a cute, happy baby!

  2. What a great idea! And once he starts talking, you can post all the cute things he says! I love when people do that.

    Porter is just adorable. His smile is captivating.
