Friday, November 26, 2010

South Carolina Surprise!

Surprise! We are in South Carolina! (as I write this we are actually two days away from going home, but still) This has been the biggest secret that Neil and I have pulled off in a very, very long time and it has been a hush, hush thing for about two months.  Neil's mother, Helen (who I adore) had a birthday Nov 21 and with how the paid holidays fell with my work and the fact that Neil's work paid for his ticket, it made for an ideal time to fly to South Carolina for 10 days.  So, we cashed in some miles and decided to keep it quiet and surprise Helen for her birthday.  She misses Porter so and we knew it would be the ultimate gift to come home and spend not just her birthday, but Porter's first Thanksgiving with her too.  So far it has been my favorite trip back to South Carolina.  The colors are gorgeous, we got some much needed breaks and rest, spent some family time and got to do some really fun things.  I am so grateful for Neil's family.  I really lucked out because we are so close to them.  It was wonderful to spend Porter's first Thanksgiving here! I am loving this time with my family.

First Carolin Game.  Go Cocks!

Mama and Porter tailgating

He LOVES his Grandma Helen!

The most gorgeous Botanical Gardens I have ever seen!

Family shot with the bears.

My happy boy.

Mmmmmm fall colors......

Thanksgiving Morning.  What a bug!

They fry turkey's down here!

Daddy and Porter on the State House steps, where Neil's dad took him as a little boy

George Washington...... and Porter!

Porter with Uncle Kevin at the State House

Porter running for Congress

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Baby Signing

Our Midwife Stephanie's office Nurturing Hearts Birth Services started partnering with a local signing organization called My Smart Hands.  The owner of the company comes out once a week, for four weeks and teaches a level one signing class.  I have always been fascinated with this concept.  Multiple languages are best learned at a young age, so it sands to reason, that babies can learn to sign fairly easily at a young age.  So, I checked out the website and got inspired by this video on the home page..... check it out!

Pretty neat huh? I really want Porter to learn to do this.  It is fairly easy with consistency and practice.  There are so many benefits to baby signing including ( from the My Smart Hand Home Page)....

•Reduces frustration

•Accelerates verbal development

•Strengthens cognitive skills

•Enhances child-parent bonding through time spent teaching signs to your baby.

Research shows that pre-verbal infants can communicate through the use of sign language long before they can verbalize their needs. At My Smart Hands™, we offer classes and workshops that will give you the skills and knowledge you will need to communicate with your pre-verbal, hearing baby. If you are looking for baby and toddler sign language classes, My Smart Hands™ is here to meet your needs. Learn how signs taken from American Sign Language (ASL) can help you engage your child in two-way communication.

Porter is a couple months away from being able to sign back, but many of my mommy friends have babies that sign tons of stuff at 11 months.  For now, Neil and I are learning ourselves, practicing and using them constantly with Porter.  Now, when we make the sign for 'milk' he gets excited and bounces up and down.  So, slowly it is working.  We are only three weeks into it so the best is yet to come! This month we are working on Mama, Dada, Milk, Eating and All Done.  To be followed by Please and Thank You.  Hopefully soon I can record Porter doing his signs!

9 months and Counting!

Porter's Monthly Update: 9 mo

Date: Nov. 6, 2010

Weight: About 22 lb.

Movement: Still crawling at lightning speed.  He is standing up on everything, mostly one handed.  At this point I think it is a confidence issue.  I have caught him for the briefest of seconds standing unassisted.  But the biggest change is his sitting back down after standing.  He used to just plop down, now he is much more controlled and does it without any help.  He walks behind his toys and a little up and down the couch.... maybe next month he will take a few steps! He can climb up stairs totally unassisted and we have to watch him like a hawk at other people's houses. We have gates here in place at the top and bottom.

Sleep: Weeeeeeeeeeeelllll we digressed a bit this month.  Sigh.  Now, I love my son.  But I LOVE sleep.  And for the majority of this month we were up at least 2 times a night, sometimes 3-4.  Makes for a hard work day! Neil is a champ and usually takes the first couple.  I am more apt to let him cry a few minutes (I know, Neil nd I reversed on this one!) and Neil isn't.  But, I will say,the majority of the time it is a five minute feeding or pop the binky back in and he is out.  After the diaper rash incident, we try and change his diaper too.  But, I am looking forward to the days when he sleeps a full night. He is usually up by 6 ready to go.  Those people that say their kids sleep 12 hrs a night undisturbed..... yeah I hate them :) (ok, not hate, jealous more like it!) But, I am thankful he is happy and it is a great thing to wake up to his smiling face every morning.  He is a happy boy in the mornings.

Porter Loves..... puffs, his binky still, his, walk behind toy, seeing his GG, putting everything he is not supposed to in his mouth, pumpkins, going walks, riding in Mommy's new Ergo carrier

Food: His tastes have exploded!  He eats a big variety now and more finger foods.  He is a carb-a-holic.  He loves bread, biscuits, rice and potatoes (especially sweet ones). He has also tried bits of chicken, bacon, and cheese.  I got him organic teething biscuits that he seems to like a lot too.  His new trick.... throwing puffs on the floor for the dogs.  The dogs don't seem to mind helping him with the mess though!
Bailey... ready and waiting!

Mood: He is still the happiest baby ever.  All smiles for anyone he sees and shrieks in happiness alot.  We have noticed that he is a bit more clingy to mom and dad.  Especially at night.  He crys when we put him down and has that oh-so-awesome dramatic flair, like we ripped a limb off when we set him down.  But, the vast majority of the time he is one happy baby.  He is much more inquisitive and curious these days too.  Wants to see how stuff works.  Neil says being mobile + more curious = much more mischievous!

Small Freak out......

Concentrating Soooo hard on the new toy!

Our Happy Highlight of the Month:

Neil says..... watching him walk behind his rolling toy.  He is making steady progress and has figured out how it "works".  He used to push it backwards and now he squats down to play with the toys in front and knows to go behind it to push it forward.  Neat to seem him start to figure things out.

Linsay says...... Family day at Schnep Farms.  It was such a good day and a great time spent with lots of out of town family.  Weather was perfect, ate great food, drank homemade lemonade and rode rides.  We got some great fall pictures.  It is so nice that he is a bit older and likes going and looking around, even if he is too little to ride rides.

What We Miss:

Neil Says....... his little baby sounds.  Now he makes big boy sounds, which are great, but a reminder of how quick he is growing.  Those little baby sounds are replaced with more defined words.  Bittersweet.  Also, Neil misses the days when feeding him were easier.  This month, he has been much harder to feed and I usually have to do it.  He puts his hands in it, turns his head and makes it very difficult.  He used to just sit with his mouth wide open, now he has a temperament and an opinion!

Linsay Says.....  my cuddly boy! He still will cuddle with me when he is super tired, but he is much more independent now.  He pushes back on me when I squeeze him tight or hold him too long.  He wants to get down and explore! Sometimes when he gets up at 4:30, I want him to snuggle in bed with me till it is time to get up.  He wants no part of it!  He flops around, pulls my face, climbs me like a jungle gym.  For him to sleep, he wants to be in his crib.  Makes me appreciate the times he lays on my shoulder and zonks out.  They grow tooooo fast!

What We Are Looking Forward To:

Neil Says:  Porter walking... since he didn't last month (still a wee bit early!).  Also, him saying Mama.  He has Da Da and Ba Ba down.  Occasionally we get Ga Ga.  Still no Mama!  Also, we have been taking him to baby signing class.  He is approaching the age when babies can learn to sign before they talk.  It cuts down on frustration and it really a cool concept.  So Neil is looking forward to him making his first intentional sign.

Linsay Says...... Neil stole mine! I am MOST looking forward to Porter signing.  We are taking a 4 week class teaching us methods to implement with him.  It is so impressive what kids can learn! Makes for much less frustrated babies.  Plus lays the groundwork for language development.  We are supposed to start with 3-5 signs and use them consistently.  This month we are doing, mama, dada, milk, eat and all done.  So far, he doesn't sign back, but should in another month or so!

Porter's 9 mo Pics (Professional ones to come!)

I look like my Grandpa Bobby.....

Lots of pics with the eyes closed this month!

Chilling out on the dog bed.

Getting Dressed to go Trick or Treating

not to sure if it is worth it!

That's better!