Sunday, October 3, 2010

My Budding Foodie......

I know what people will think, that this is probably a first born only thing, but I am super super picky about what goes into Porter's diet.  Knowing the childhood obesity rates and struggling with food myself my whole life, I want to put my best foot forward in regard to my children (and husband's) health.  So, I exclusively breast fed him till almost 7 months and fully weaned him at 8 months. I would have loved to have nursed him a full year, but pumping at work became very difficult and I just couldn't keep up. Next baby I will though.  But, I am hoping that it set him on a path for a healthy childhood.

Our Satuday Morning Score!
We belong to a food co-op here in Arizona called Bountiful Baskets.  It is a way that we get local produce in large quantities at a good price.  It is a really neat thing.  It is a 50/50 split of fruits and veggies that changes every week, depending on the season.  We take an empty laundry bucket and it fills it all for about $16.00.  We sometimes get "add-ons" line an Italian Pack (eggplant, herbs, garlic, onions, etc).  This week we got 22 LB of Utah peaches (for $15.00) and 5 loaves of homemade Ciabatta bread (for $10.00), and we made out like bandits. Keeps me on my toes to try new recipes and Neil and I hate throwing food away, so needless to say.... we eat our veggies.  What has been really great though, is using much of our basket to make Porter's baby food. He hasn't had typical jarred baby food.  That stuff is loaded with preservatives and chemicals and has probably sat on a shelf for 5 years. Yuck.  No thanks. I am sure, in time, he will get plenty of the bad stuff, but for now, freshest is bestest. Especially when baby food is so easy and more affordable.  I find it kinda fun actually!

Neil helped me with this part
I get most of my baby recipes from, and I modify as I see fit.  Most times, a few hours two Saturdays a month, yields me a whole month's baby food.  I roast everything in Pyrex in the oven for about 30 minutes, sprinkle some cinnamon and vanilla over the fruit (babies like tasty food too!), throw the fruit, veggies and all kinds of mixes in my food processor and VOILA baby food! I use ice cube trays, freeze it and store in labelled Zip Lock bags.  When needed I just microwave and it is good to go.  Works great for taking to the baby sitters too.  I am hoping that I can do this for all my babies.  It is such a great thing to share with your children.  Porter gets all sorts of combinations.  Tonight, I made him papaya/plum/peach, chicken/peach/carrot/organic yogurt, banana/avocado/peach/plum and lots of different stuff.  I like exposing him to all kinds of flavors.  Plums are his favorite.  After baking, I can even leave the skin on and it processes right down perfectly.  All in all, it is fun and easy.  We are working on tooth number four now so more complex finger foods and "meals" are on the horizon. 

So, there is a glimpse in our weekly food making ritual.  So far, it has worked out as our almost 8 mo old baby has ate and drank his way to 20 + healthy, beautiful pounds! Love that chub-ba, chub-ba!

Pick me up Mama

I love my Sophie Giraffe


  1. I need to come over and see how all this is done! I have one friend who made all her baby food, too- but it seems so complicated. I typically feel whenever someone says something is simple and easy- it turns out to be difficult and complex!!! I've been considering trying it for Margot, though.

    Also, Joel and I have been wanting to try BB, but have yet to do so. Perhaps this week we will sign up.

    Awesome work!!!

  2. I did Bountiful Baskets when I lived in Arizona. I am trying to find something like it here, too.

    We are going to make all our own baby food, as well. At least, that is the plan!
