Monday, February 13, 2012

It's a lifestyle change

Since Jan 2nd, Neil and I have committed to a new Primal Lifestyle. People ask me all the time just what exactly is that? Well, you can get a more detailed description here, but it is basically organic, low carb, high fat, no (or very low) sugar and NO grains. The premise is real food. We eat real butter. No soda (diet soda is NOT good for you ppl), no bread, no pasta, no rice.

I started reading Mark Sissons, Marks Daily Apple, website and blog like a crazy person. I really liked his ideas. I love the idea of whole food, real food and eating organic. I think if you are careful about what goes into your body, you are hedging your bets against costly medications, disease and overall health down the road. Both Neil and I have some LB’s to loose and this is a great fit for our family. While I made Neil give up his beloved sodas, he can eat 16oz rib eye all he wants. For me, it worked because it falls in line with my philosophy that our bodies operate better uninterrupted and back to basics (girl scout cookies and gummy bears notwithstanding). Also, I am not calorically restricted. I can’t be, as I am nursing Scarlett. I eat SO much food (in a good way). It is pretty awesome.

So far, we are feeling pretty great. We steadily lost 10-14 lb each since we started. We have had a couple cheat days and fell off the wagon a bit, but for the most part, not really. Our food is fresh, colorful and wonderful. It is mostly simple, organic and easy. But, it takes prep. Lots of prep, meal planning and grocery shopping. I have found myself not eating 100% primal if I am not properly planned. I am SO happy with the results though. I feel great, sleep better, my skin cleared up and I lost about 12 lb. My mood seems more steady and I no longer have sugar crashes in the afternoon. I am hoping, now that I am stopping working that we can be even more adherent, now that I have the time.

In the last few weeks we also incorporated running into our lives. We bought a double jogger that we LOVE and use almost daily. We want to run a few races for charity as well as have some motivation to get into shape. I am not a natural runner whatsoever. I am slow. I cannot go for long. I don’t especially like it, but love how I feel after. My bucket list goal is a half marathon. But, for now, I can run 5-6 min straight, which is great considering 3 weeks ago I could only do 90 seconds. I am excited (yet impatient) to see the long term changes in our lives. I have always struggled with my weight and this is my year. Got rid of the debt now time to get rid of the pounds. I want my outside to match my inside and to be the healthiest I can be for my family.

But man alive it is really hard. It is hard not to revert back to old, bad habits. I am frustrated now because I don’t feel like I am losing anymore and I *think* we are at least 85% adherent. Makes me want to give up. But then, that is how I got here in the first place. Sigh. So, slow and steady will win this race. I only can do it one day at a time. I am considering going Paleo for lent to speed up the weight loss and see how I feel. But I am SO scared to give up my beloved dairy. Like petrified. I love cheese in a major way. And coffee creamer. But, I also have about 8 pairs of pants I am *this close* to fitting into. My goal is to lose 35 more pounds before Spain. That is smaller than high school skinny. Lofty? Maybe. But I think I can do it. I would be happy with 25 lb, really happy with 30 and elated with 35.

Anyone else stuck to their Resolutions into February?? Any tips and tricks for this frustrated mama other than buck it up?!

1 comment:

  1. If you think your skin is clear now, wait till you give up dairy. Amazing results for me! Plus, your weight will totally come right off on Paleo. It's pretty awesome!
